Chinese Numeral Conversion

Online conversion of RMB amount to Chinese Numeral

Chinese Numeral Amount:陆仟陆佰柒拾肆元整

Chinese Numeral Usage Instructions

  • Please enter an Arabic numeral not greater than 99999999999999999999.99;
  • Please enter a positive integer or positive decimal composed of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0, for example: 50, 80.50;
  • The correct Chinese numeral amounts are: 壹, 贰, 叁, 肆, 伍, 陆, 柒, 捌, 玖, 拾, 佰, 仟, 万, 亿, 元, 角, 分, 零, 整 (正), etc.
  • Arabic numerals are composed of 10 counting symbols: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Initially invented by the ancient Indians, they were later transmitted to Europe by the Arabs, who then modernized them. People mistakenly believed they were invented by the Arabs, hence the name "Arabic numerals".

Chinese Numeral Conversion Chart

  • 0 in Chinese is 零
    0 =
  • 1 in Chinese is 壹
    1 =
  • 2 in Chinese is 贰
    2 =
  • 3 in Chinese is 叁
    3 =
  • 4 in Chinese is 肆
    4 =
  • 5 in Chinese is 伍
    5 =
  • 6 in Chinese is 陆
    6 =
  • 7 in Chinese is 柒
    7 =
  • 8 in Chinese is 捌
    8 =
  • 9 in Chinese is 玖
    9 =

Financial Amount Chinese Numeral Chart

  • 亿
    亿 =
  • 萬
    万 =
  • 仟
    千 =
  • 佰
    百 =
  • 拾
    十 =
  • 元
    元 =
  • 角
    角 =
  • 分
    分 =
  • 正
    正 =
  • 整
    整 =

Today's Renminbi exchange rate
(Exchange 100 units of foreign currency to Chinese Yuan)

Currency Spot Rate
Buying Price Selling Price Mid Price
USD 731.6300 734.7100 718.7600
EUR 758.3600 763.9100 744.4300
GBP 913.6500 920.4400 897.6900
AUD 455.5900 459.2100 450.3300
CAD 508.4100 512.4100 501.5900
JPY 4.6352 4.6710 4.6065
SGD 535.6800 539.7100 527.4300
HKD 94.0800 94.4600 92.4100
RUB 6.7400 7.0900 6.6100
TWD 22.2300 23.1100 22.3200
THB 21.1000 21.2600 21.0700
CHF 807.0600 813.3000 793.4800
DKK 101.6200 102.4400 99.7500
MOP 91.3300 91.7500 89.6500
MYR 161.9300 163.3900 160.7000
NOK 64.5800 65.1000 63.7300
NZD 411.4900 414.5900 407.7300
PHP 12.5000 12.7600 12.5900
SEK 66.0100 66.5500 65.0700
KRW 0.4978 0.5063 0.4944
ZAR 39.2300 39.6800 38.4600
BRL 119.2100 120.1500 119.68